Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries

3 Easy Ways to Get these Life Changing Resources.
1. Our 3 piece gift set with CD teaching for a donation to our work of $ 50.00 (Simply go to donate button.
2. Amazon: Rabbi's Journey to Heaven: crid=UDBXHVK8WRAX&keywords=rabbis+journey+to+heaven&qid=1706618540&sprefix=rabbis+journey+to+heaven%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-1
4. Sid Roth Ministries:
1. Rabbi Felix reported himself often throughout the book but for good reason. It helped put emphasis on the importance on the subject at hand, The 30 day meditation and devotion at the end is a much needed bonus for all believers who desire it a more spiritual walk with the Lord. Ms Jones
2. I could see where it would be hard for writer to put into words what he saw but he does have a message from heaven. It is a book I will have to read over and over because he shares so much. As a spirit filled christian for over 36 years it has helped me reclaim my position Christ wants me to have!
3. The benefits that we personally received from the book, especially the soul cleanse, has given us a new revelation of the reality of heaven and the importance of knowing God and who He is. The soul cleanse has raised the level of pursuit and passion in our lives for the purposes of God to the exclusion of all else. At the same time, our perspective of the earthly realm is changing; the earthly realm is becoming less attractive and the magnificence and glory of heaven are becoming more attractive with each passing day.
4. Rabbi Felix reported himself often throughout the book but for good reason. It helped put emphasis on the importance on the subject at hand, The 30 day meditation and devotion at the end is a much needed bonus for all believers who desire it a more spiritual walk with the Lord. Chelsea
4. Relatable true experience through death to Heaven and back. Excellent transformative study included of Psalms emphasizing the Glory of God. Nancy Greenheart
5. The benefits that we personally received from the book, especially the soul cleanse, has given us a new revelation of the reality of heaven and the importance of knowing God and who He is. The soul cleanse has raised the level of pursuit and passion in our lives for the purposes of God to the exclusion of all else. At the same time, our perspective of the earthly realm is changing; the earthly realm is becoming less attractive and the magnificence and glory of heaven are becoming more attractive with each passing day.
6. Thanks to the Dear Rabbi for sharing his experiences with us. Now on day 8 and looking forward to 22 more wonderful days on the journey. Bless this author. C J Curd
7. I could see where it would be hard for writer to put into words what he saw but he does have a message from heaven. It is a book I will have to read over and over because he shares so much. As a spirit filled christian for over 36 years it has helped me reclaim my position Christ wants me to have!
8. Like the book, especially the Psalms at the end.