Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries
Our mission is to provide connection and fellowship through the common belief that we are living in the last days, as connection and relationship are more important than ever in living the Kingdom of God on earth today. We uphold the fundamental truths of Scripture as given to train, equip, and build up in the body towards a common goal of unity. (2 Timothy 3:17)
As the people of God, we are called to take dominion for kingdom influence within our own spheres of influence. We live humbly with a servants heart, but authoritative over the devil's works in our lives, and are influence makers through the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit. By HIS grace, we reflect the Lord's character through our manner of living. Our lives are to be defined by integrity, respect for others, empathy, sympathy, gentleness, kindness, and forgiveness. Always seeking to bring the Truth of the Saving work of Messiah to all. We believe that all believers are called to a ministry of serving and proclaiming the Truth of Messiah; that all are called to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit for daily living, and through the Word of God as our daily bread, becoming spiritually strong in these last days.
Freedom Ministries seeks to support the development of end-time Kingdom living through ongoing fellowship in these trying times and cultivate a Glory Presence in our lives and ministries, thereby bringing heaven's atmosphere into our daily lives. To this end, we uphold each other, learn from each other, and together become a force for change for those who do not yet know the Lord. Through the proclamation of Salvation through Yeshua Jesus, a life lived with respect, kindness, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we bring The Light into ever-increasing darkness.
Joining Together
for the Kingdom!